Governing Council

Meet the Governing Council

A leader is like a shepherd. He stays behind the flock, letting the most nimble go out ahead, whereupon the others follow, not realizing that all along they are being directed from behind.” - Nelson Mandela.

Md. Agnes was appointed as the Chairperson of the Kabete National Polytechnic Governing Council on 17th March, 2023. She holds a Bachelor of Education from Kenyatta University, Diploma in Marketing from London Chamber of Commerce & Industry, MBA in Strategic Management from USIU-Africa. Board Directorships in several Parastals, and Learning institutions including the Central Bank of Kenya, and Kenyatta International Conference Centre. She has risen from a High School teacher, TV News reporting heading the Commercial Advertising division of the first independent TV station-KTN. She also headed the Corporate Communications at AAR where she created the Brand Identity. She consequently set up as an Insutance intermediary. As an avid golfer, she initiated a Corporate Golf Marketing Company at the same time as industry. Shes passionate about excellence in whatever she does.

Mr. Muchemi was appointed as the Secretary of the Kabete National Polytechnic Governing Council on 17th March, 2023.

Ms. Purity S. Karariet
Ms. Purity S. Karariet
Ms. Purity, was appointed a member of the Kabete National Polytechnic Governing Council on 2 nd October, 2019. She is currently the Vice Chairperson of the Kajiado Public Service Board on Part time basis. She holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in the area of Chemistry and Zoology from Agra University in India and specialised in Forensic Science. She has in depth skills in Auditing and Investigation having worked as an Anti-Corruption Officer. She previously worked as a Director National Housing Corporation and chairing Audit & Risk Committee. Purity served as a National Security Committee Member (CPS) and a Trustee with Commodities Fund; Ministry of Interior and Agriculture respectively.

Madam Isabella was appointed a member of the Kabete National Polytechnic on 17th March, 2023. She is an accountant and an economist. She holds masters in Economic Policy Analysis and Design from University of Nairobi and a Bachelor of Art in Economics and Business Studies from Kenyatta University. Isabella is a Certified Public Accountant with a wealth of experience in the private sector and the public sector, where she has undertaken numerous trainings, workshops and seminars to improve her productivity.

Md. Mohamud was appointed a member of the Kabete National Polytechnic on 17th March, 2023. She is a holder of Masters in Diplomacy and Foreign Policies Analysis from Moi University and a Bachelor of Business Administration from Kenya Methodist University. She has several certificates and Diplomas from different Institutions in regards to Administration and Diplomacy. Ms. Mohamud previously worked at the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi as the Unit Chief from Immigrant Visa Unit covering eight (8) countries. She also worked with Arid Lands and CRS Kenya which is an American International Organisation.

Mr. Henry was appointed a member of the Kabete National Polytechnic on 02nd October, 2019. Mr Henry Huka Duba is a Public Health Professional and a Humanitarian expert. He has served in a number of International Non-Governmental Organizations for over 20 years in various capacities including as Chief of Party for ACDI/VOCA, USAID funded Development Food Aid Program (DFAP) in Uganda; Country Director for Food for the Hungry Uganda; Program Director at Mercy Corps, Uganda and Country Program Manager for Health Poverty Action in Somalia. He also worked as Emergency Health Program Manager with World Vision in South Darfur State, Sudan and Program Manager for Development Food Aid Program in Kenya with Food for the Hungry International. Prior to joining the humanitarian sector. Mr. Huka worked as a Public Health Officer with the Ministry of Health Kenya for about 10 years. He is currently the Executive Director for Health and Social Transformation Initiative (HASTIN), a national NGO working in Marsabit and Isiolo Counties of Kenya and occasionally manages a private consultancy firm, Chariot Supplies and Consult. Mr. Huka holds a Master of Public Health Degree from the University of Maastricht, the Netherlands and Diplomas in Public Health, Community Health, Environmental Health and Postgraduate Certificate in Health Management from the Health Services Management Centre, University of Birmingham, UK as well as Certificate in Health Emergencies in Large Population from the Centre for Excellence in Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance, in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Mr. Gilbert was appointed a member of the Kabete National Polytechnic on 17th March, 2023. He holds a Master and a Bachelor of Arts degree from University of Nairobi. He is a lecturer of Kiswahili, Linguistics at Maseno University since 2003. Mr. Gilbert has served as a member and chair of Boards of several educational Institutions and currently serving as the Chair of ETRI Council Committee.

Mr. John was appointed as a member of the Kabete National Polytechnic on 17th March, 2023. Mr. John K. Tuwei is a holder of MSc (Organic Chemistry) from the University of Nairobi (2007) and Graduate Certificate in TVET reforms and Project Management (2011) from Chisholm Institute of TAFE in Austrialia and B.Ed (Science) (1996) from Kenyatta University. Mr. Tuwei who has over 20 years’ experience in Public Service, is currently The Deputy Director of Technical Education in Charge of Projects and Partnerships at the State Department for Vocational and Technical Training and the Liaison Officer for the Joint Subsector Working Group (JSSWG), a forum which brings together the State Department of VTT and all Development Partners (Multilateral and Bilateral) which support the TVET sector in Kenya. Mr. Tuwei has initiated, managed and oversighted a number of donor funded TVET projects which include, The GoK/Netherlands TVET project, GoK/AfDB TVET 1, 2 and 3 Projects, World Bank Eastrip Project, GoK/KfW TVET 1 and 2 projects and GoK/MasterCard TVET Blue Prints projects whose collective aim is to provide equitable access to quality and relevant skills to Kenyans. Mr. Tuwei has also participated in the development and implementation of TVET Act 2013 and number of policy documents which include the TVET Blue Print and the Workforce Blue print. Mr. Tuwei is currently The PS VTT alternate member for The Kabete National Polytechnic Council and Ramogi Institute of Advanced Technology (RIAT) Board of Governors.

CPA Patrick was appointed a member of the Kabete National Polytechnic on 17th March, 2023. Mr. Patrick is an Accountant and a Financial Analyst. He is the alternate director to the Cabinet Secretary, National Treasury. He has worked at the National Treasury for over period of 12 years and is currently deployed in the directorate of Public Investment and Portfolio Management. Mr Stom holds a Master of Science degree in Finance, from Jomo Kenyatta University, a Bachelor degree in Business Administration (Accounting option) from Moi aUniversity, Certified Public Accountants of Kenya and Certified Securities and Investment Analysts Part ll. He is a member of the Institute of Certified Public Accountant of Kenya (ICPAK) with wealth of experience in Public Sector Financial Management. He has undertaken several work improvement skills, development training, workshops and seminars on management and governance.

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