All you need to know
Visit the official website of Kabete National Polytechnic and navigate to the admissions page. Complete the online application form by filling in your personal information, educational background, and any other relevant details. Upload scanned copies of all required documents as per the instructions given.
(download them here below)
Note: To join Kabete National Polytechnic to pursue a Diploma course, you must have a minimum of C- with specific qualifications in cluster subjects in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Examinations (KCSE). For Certificate programmes, you must have attained a minimum of D+ with specific qualifications in cluster subjects.
How to get started
To start the registration process please visit and sign in using your KCSE index number, the telephone number you provided to KUCCPS and the year you sat the KNEC Examination.
- Gather Necessary Documents
- Start Online Submission
- Review The Submission
- Submit The Form
- Interviewing Process
- Last Decision
You will need the following documents to proceed with the registration process: Scanned copies of:
- KCSE Certificate
- KCPE Certificate
- High School Leaving Certificate
- Birth certificate
- Colored copy of your National ID Card (front and back)
- Passport Size Photo with a plain, solid colored background.